BMT (Best Mercury Technology) have employed Petro Min Engineers to assist them through their final design stages prior to commissioning of their mercury removal and decontamination facility in Kwinana,
Petro Min Engineers were employed to perform a lightning protection risk assessment and design to Australian Standard AS 1768. Petro Min then provided detailed design drawings for the lightning protection and earthing system in accordance with the requirements of the Australian Standard.
The plant is supplied power from a local Western Power sole use substation. PME provided assistance with the earthing systems and power system earthing interface with this substation to meet the requirements of Australian Standard AS 3000 and the Western Power Technical Rules.
In addition, Petro Min Engineers also completed a review of the hazardous area delineation drawings and hazards using the plants 3D CAD model and the hazardous areas defined by BMT. Part of this work includes assembly of the hazardous area equipment dossier and checks against the equipment locations as shown on the 3D model as well as final visual site audit.