AAA Metal Recycling Kwinana 3MVA – Supply Upgrade

AAA Metal Recycling Australia Pty Ltd engaged Petro Min Engineers to provide a Large Commercial Connection application to Western Power Corporation for upgrading their existing low voltage supply to a 3MVA, 22kV connection at their Kwinana facility.

The high voltage connection is a result of introducing a new Metal Shredding and Recycling Plant installed on site as well as the upcoming Metal Shredding Machine which includes a 2500HP, 700VDC motor, operated via a 24 pulse Variable Speed Drive, comprising of four 6 pulse drives.

Petro Min Engineers performed all high and low voltage power reticulation design upgrades for the site including the Customer 22kV Switchboard, 22kV/415V step-down Transformer and a 415V Main Switchboard for servicing all site existing infrastructure including workshops, offices, and the fire emergency system, including provisions for a solar array to be incorporated in the future.

PME provided various power system analysis including flicker and harmonic studies to ensure the site’s power quality is maintained and within the limitations set by Australian and IEC Standards and the Western Power Technical Rules.

More photos shall be uploaded as the site construction develops.